Requirements and Steps to be a part of The Internship:

    1. Proclaims Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life.

    2. Prayerfully consider all the commitments to be an intern.

    3. Evaluate any commitments and schedules you already have, and adjust for any conflicts.

    4. After applying, all interns must have and keep a current background check on file.
      **New Life Church provides these by sending an email, and they are stored on the church database.

    5. Fill out, sign, and turn in The Internship Application HERE.

    6. You and Pastor Rachel will set up a meeting to go over your application.

    7. If you are accepted into The Internship, you’ll sign the Intern Conduct Agreement below.

Leadership is a choice, and it's one I hope you'll make. 

The Internship isn't just for a “select few.” It isn't just for the good-looking, fun, or popular…although I am sure you are. Leadership isn't about having an extroverted and outgoing personality. Being a leader is a personal commitment. The most meaningful commitments are, at times, tough to keep, but they are worth the effort because our priorities determine who we are, and who we are becoming. It’s our goal that you'll reach for this high standard. We expect a lot from our interns because this was the model Jesus taught for leadership. 

“We are following Jesus together. On a path where we discover who Jesus is, and what it is to be his disciple.”

— Pastor Matt Messner

Values (Who We Are):

1.   Spirit-Filled

  • Walking in the power of the Spirit.

  • Being a praying people.

  • Becoming who we are in Christ (progress over perfection).

2.   Servant-Hearted

  • We are Following Jesus Together - you are called to Lead as you Follow.

  • We do not exist for ourselves.

  • “Not so with you.”  (Matthew 20:25-28)

3.   Holistically Healthy

  • Healthy Mind

  • Healthy Body

  • Healthy Spirit

  • Healthy Relationships 

Who we are NOT:

  • Cool Kids Club. We are not better than anyone else, no one is better than us. Everyone has a seat at the table.

  • Perfect. Not expected, not possible. We are in progress and we need Jesus and His grace every moment of every day.

  • Alone. Ministry is not an individual sport, it’s a team. We are created for community and called to follow Jesus together.

Overall Expectations for The Internship:

  • Commitment: to Jesus, New Life Church, and The Internship.

  • Regularly attending church services. Not just pouring out or serving, but being filled up too.

  • Involved in age-demographic groups outside of The Internship. (e.g.: Young Adults, Mens/Women’s Ministry, Life Groups).

  • Commitment to personal spiritual growth

    • Regular prayer, Bible study, evangelism, worship, scripture memorization, and accountability.

  • Connect with those you are serving.

    • No matter your role for a given ministry, gathering, or event, you are called to connect with people no matter what gender, grade, ethnicity, or background, and make newcomers feel welcome.

    • New people will feel out of place, so the more people who say “hi,” learn their names, and introduce them to others, the better. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend hours with them, but let them know that they are noticed. Do your best to remember names!

  • Come prepared and participate wholeheartedly.

    • Any ministry event or opportunity can be engaging, fun, and impactful if you want it to be. Be the first to jump in and set the tone for others.

    • Look for people not participating and pull them in, invite them to participate with you.

    • No leader should be sitting on the sidelines.

    • Be willing to help with set up and clean up.

  • Personal Relationships:

    • Whether you are married, in a romantic boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, or single, we do expect that you practice sexual integrity per Biblical guidelines, and live above reproach in all that you do.

    • While serving at New Life, your main focus is on and with those you are serving, not your friends, S/O, or spouse.

  • Please dress appropriately and modestly.

  • Actively look for ways to make meetings & events run smoother, participate in problem-solving.

    • Find areas of need at New Life and offer suggestions/solutions for improvement.

  • Follow through on responsibilities and assignments.

    If you are driving a church van or to and from ministry events:

    • Laws, including seatbelts, speed limits, and phone laws must be obeyed.

  • Regularly pray for our church, our leaders, and our community.

  • Drug and Alcohol use:

    • We require soberness of mind so that we can better serve each other and God. Alcohol is not prohibited if done legally (for those 21+ years old) and in moderation - it’s not a problem until it’s a problem. Marijuana use is not allowed. Substance abuse including drugs and alcohol could be grounds for immediate termination from the program. 

  • Social Media posting:

    • personal social media posting should be seen as an extension of New Life Church and should be represented appropriately. 

  • Be on time for activities and events. (At least 15 mins early unless specific ministry responsibilities require more)

    • If you are unable to attend an event, it is important that you let the leader of that event or ministry know beforehand — especially one that you are specifically having leadership responsibilities under your care.

  • If you have a concern, contact Pastor Rachel immediately.

    • Diffuse gossip, rumors, and conflict.

  • Stay positive, even when things go poorly.

Intern Conduct Agreement:

To be signed after completing an interview with Pastor Rachel.