These emails will help prepare your group for the week listed (these are best sent within a 3-4 days of each meeting).
Please note these are not intended to be “copied and pasted” without editing and personalizing.
Zoom RFs, you will need to adjust some of the verbiage to sync with the online platform.


Hello Everyone,

Thanks, so much for our time of sharing and discussion this past week.

I am excited to see what God is going to do in and through our hearts and lives! Each week you will receive a touch base email about the session ahead, including any pertinent reminders.

If you haven’t dug into this week’s reading yet, “Who Is God?”, you’ll enjoy it! You’ll get to process the story of creation, the fall and God’s plan for redemption.

Complete Day 1-5 and journal your thoughts related to the questions provided.

We will be discussing next week what God teaches us!

___________ will be sharing his/her story this week.  Remember if you are sharing your story, this is a 3-5 min version. Refer to the sample testimony handout for structure example. Consider timing yourself to make sure it’s not too long, as we want to be mindful of time and our agenda each week.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all. See you soon


Hello Everyone!

What a rich time of sharing and discussion we had! Thank you!

We are praying for you as you dig into week 3, How Does God Guide Us? This is one of the most important weeks during Rooted and will include a Prayer Experience as part of our time together next week.

Continue to plan for your daily time reading and journaling your thoughts related to the questions provided. As you read about prayer, be sure to engage in the process of praying and listening. If prayer is new for you (specifically, hearing God’s voice), be expectant!

Please let me know if you have any questions at all.  


Hello Rooted Friends!

Can you believe we're heading into week 4 already?

We are grateful for your commitment to the Lord as you spend daily time with Him and work through your Rooted readings and questions. There is no doubt that we have been intentionally brought together for "such a time as this" and we're expectant for what is ahead. God is good and is faithfully changing, molding and shaping us, no matter how many years we have been walking with Him. He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it! 

Week 4, Where is God in the midst of suffering? I know we have all wrestled with this one. Suffering is no respecter of age or race or social status; it hits us all. We are praying this week the Lord will speak to us in a way we need to hear. May you sense His presence in the midst of your suffering, whatever it may be, large or small. Looking forward to hearing about the days of the week that touched you the most and what you're learning (or have learned) through the dark "valleys" in life. 

We get to hear from _______________ and _____________ as they share their stories with us and make sure you mark your calendars for our serve experience on _______________.

Please let us know if you have any questions. 


Hello Friends, 

Thank you for your contributions to our conversations on this past week.  Your stories and input are powerful and touching! I walked away challenged to trust God more in the tension of suffering and God's sovereignty. Only by God's grace...right? 

So....we're at week five and halfway through Rooted! This week's homework on the topic of “There is an Enemy”, is a reminder that the struggle is real, yet "God was, is, and will be the winner of the battle." (page 84) This week includes teachings about “strongholds.” This may be new to some of you, but the impact on your lives is not. We all have areas we struggle to get right; areas we don't like to talk about and that have tripped us up, sometimes for years. 

This doesn't have to be a "deep dark secret", but it can be something in which the enemy would like you to believe you are all alone. We want to encourage you to do the work on day 5 and come prepared to discuss this battle. This may not be easy, but it will be worth it. We will have an intentional time of prayer (ladies, we’ll leave the guys and move to another room) to ask God for freedom in an area He reveals. Be expectant! 


Hello Rooted Friends!

As we work through this week and next, we have a chance to explore how we can make the most of our lives!

This week, “How Can I Make the Most of My Life”, Part 1, we are unpacking the importance of service. We get the opportunity to do a spiritual gifts assessment to discover some of the things God has wired us for.

Please set aside some time to go to the link and complete the assessment and bring your results with you.

We get to hear from _______________ and _____________ as they share their stories with us and a reminder that our serve experience is _____________.

You don’t want to miss this time of serving together!


Hello Friends!

It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the homestretch of our Rooted journey together. Please be sure that you have __________ on your calendars. This is our Rooted Celebration, where all groups come together to worship, hear a commissioning message from Pastor Jim, celebrate Rooted stories and celebrate water baptisms. If anyone would like to be baptized, please let me know! You do not want to miss the Celebration!

We will hear from _______________ and _____________ as they share their stories with us and know that we are praying for you this week.

“How Can I Make the Most of My Life” part 2, This week we have looked at ways to act on the compassion God gives us for others. We also have been challenged to consider a different view on poverty. We will be talking about our homework and will end with a time of prayer over each person individually, specifically agreeing with the Lord regarding each person’s gifts, purpose and calling. 

We sincerely look forward to this time and trust the Holy Spirit to be present as we seek Him together.  


Hi Everyone!

We hope you're having a fabulous weekend and are enjoying engaging with the topic of “How does God view money”. Good stuff!

We are looking forward to seeing you as we gather together on _____________ beginning first in the Worship Center as all groups will start together. The doors will open at ________  and we'll begin at _______.  We will hear a short message and then return to our rooms to discuss our Week 8 homework!

We will hear from _______________ and _____________ as they share their stories with us and know that we are praying for you this week.

We are so enjoying the Rooted journey with you!!


Hello Rooted Friends!

This week we’ll talk about any experiences we may have had to share our stories. Additionally, we’ll look back over the past 9 weeks at what God has been doing in our lives during this Rooted journey. We believe that He has done something (encouraged, revealed, released, affirmed, reminded, etc.) unique and special in each of us. 

You will be given a “Cardboard Testimony” card to fill out, with the following prompts: “Before Rooted, I was…” and “After Rooted, I am…” These are not long answers—simply two or three words or a phrase that sums it up for you. Additionally, we’ll ask you to take a few minutes to jot down some answers to some specific questions about your Rooted journey.

Anticipating our Rooted Celebration on __________.

Praying for a great finish!


Hello Friends!

It’s finally here. Week 10 is around the corner and as is our final Rooted session together, but so glad we will be continuing as a Life Group! (include this if it’s true) 

“Why is the Church Important?” 

This final week together has a lot in it. As we will continue to share and pray together, we will not have a great deal of time to discuss every day in depth. Please come prepared to share a highlight or a day that stood out to you. It will be a special final Rooted session together.

Also, come prepared to share your word/s of affirmation for each group member (Day 5). We will take some time to encourage one another with words to affirm what we see God doing in one another. We will also end in communion. 

Praying in anticipation for our time together.