PreMarital Mentor Application

We’re so glad you are interested in premarital mentorship. Our hope is to partner you with a mentor couple who will walk alongside you as you prepare for marriage. Due to the time needed to complete pre-marital sessions, we ask that mentoring requests be a minimum of 6 months prior to your wedding date.

Please take a moment to complete the form below so we can make the best match possible for you.

Section 1: Bride's Information
Section 2: Groom's Information
Section 3: Couple's Information

Confidentiality Statement


Our Premarital Mentors will be using an inventory called SYMBIS (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts). SYMBIS increases the awareness of the strengths and growth areas of a couple, stimulates discussion of important issues, and teaches communication and conflict resolution skills. It is not intended to predict marital success and it is not to replace professional judgment.

Mentor Credentials

Premarital Mentors are godly men and women who have been married for at least five years. They are committed to God and to each other. They are not professionals in psychological counseling or psychiatric therapy and are not licensed. They have gone through SYMBIS training and receive supervision from the Marriage Pastor at New Life Church. If the mentors discover issues that they are not trained to handle, you may be referred to a professional counselor.

All communication between you and you mentors is considered confidential, except as required by law (i.e., where there is a threat of serious harm to self or others, as in the case of child abuse, suicide, or homicide). The mentors will also be receiving supervision from trained personnel.